22.07.2017 – Sampling Saturday…

30 years old and still working! Emulator EIIIXP, Akai S-900 and Roland S-770, these were the beasts back in the good old times, but I don’t think I will be really using them. Even if I watch all those videos from JunkieXL (https://youtu.be/OHeY2vv5HI8) I must say that I am not very into this old synth/sampler hype. I am pretty sure I can create the same sound with just a little help from my plugins.


19.06.2017 – New kid in town…

Four years after the legendary MPC Renaissance, changing our music style forever, I am switching from white to black, going to the new MPC LIVE. I just hope they don’t use Windows on it… Looking at my photo I am not quite sure yet! 🙂

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